I spent last night needlepointing and watching "Master and Commander." Nothing like a healthy dose of men in breeches for what ails ya. Still not operating at 100%, but at least I'm functional. I'm working at a diamond company today (less exciting than it sounds) and so far nothing important has happened--no international jewel thieves, no rogue traders inflating the market, nada.
So I've had lots of time to play "let's google Nicki's favourite actors" which now include Javier Bardem of "No Country for Old Men" fame, which I saw last week. Who is this Javier Bardem and why do I just want to throw Oscars (and other assorted naked things) at him? Damn. I would say he is the Spanish version of Clive Owen, but I'm not actually sure who would come out ahead in a smoulder-off.

Rrrraow. Rumors (okay, www.imdb.com) say that he might be playing Guido Contini in the movie version of Nine, to which I say, if there is a just and merciful God, these rumors will be true. Nine is one of my favourite musicals, and the music is incredible. To have Javier Bardem playing the preening Guido would just be icing on the cake. Delicious icing.
I was going to make some kind of comment about Master and Commander on one of your other recent posts but it must have escaped my dizzying mind. I can't believe you watched Master and Commander without me. It's ok. I've been having a desire to download Edge of Seventeen to round out a two-movie weekend I watched at Dru's including Short Bus and Later Days, but I explained to them Edge of Seventeen is what completes this film trilogy only Edge of Seventeen is a terrible movie and is only good if you watch it in Brent's dorm room with your girlfriend after adding a bit of rum to your diet coke from the vending machine.
Oh don't worry, I could watch Master and Commander again and again and again...
now, remember how we laughed when Crowe said 'Admiral Nelson is the most inspiring man of our time?' (or something like that) Oh, Russell, Russell...
And haven't I mentioned Javier Barthem in one of my looooooong lectures over talented actors? To appreciate his talent watch 'The Sea Inside' (since you mentioned Oscars)
Miss u
Your obsession with breeches is beginning to border on the unhealthy...
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