Sunday, January 06, 2008


I was looking at pictures of my friend's baby, who is the most adorable three month old EVAR, seriously, this kid puts all other babies in the shade, but I just need to throw something out there right now, should babies ever enter MY immediate radar.

No pink.

I don't care if my child is the quintessence of girlhood, if she is rose petals and dewdrops and butterfly sighs, if for some bizarre reason she's named Prissy Tiffany Mercedes Angelica Lemery, please do not buy me (or her!) anything pink.

If you do, I will save it for Julian Faramir.

Alice does her best to save me from the Pink Meance by out-cute-ing it.

1 comment:

Laura said...

ARRG! Saw Knocked Up in the theater yesterday (yes, in the theatre.) Want to talk to you about it but I can't so I'll resume banging my head against the desk in my office!