Saturday, July 22, 2006

early again

I think tonight's show was the best ever. Even though I've seen it several times already, tonight I was engaged afresh, watching it with new interest. The company is more comfortable with it now, so the show stretches and changes like a living thing--which is what keeps it interesting for everybody.

I'm sad though because this is the point where the show becomes like a regular job. Already our costume and sound designers have finished their parts and stopped coming to the runs, and tonight Kate sat out for the first time. I begin to understand how people can treat this like a regular profession, when you're coming in at a scheduled time, warming up, doing your "job" then heading home for a supper. Soon it will be just me and the actors and our wonderful dressers--and the audience. And I'm going to have to start looking for a real job. sigh. I really love living in London--coming home at night over the Waterloo Bridge lifts my spirits every time. The skyline is so pretty. I'd like to stay here for a while at least, but the uncertainty of being unemployed is crushing. With any amount of luck I'll find a reason to stay. But next Monday--my first full day off in about a month--I'm going to stay in and watch some movies featuring men in breeches. Even if it is "The Patriot." I deserve it, damnit. And if there's sailing ships involved, so much the better.

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