Saturday, January 28, 2006

Far too much free time

I arrived at the library this morning to work on a presentation for Monday, so I've spent the last two hours surfing for musicals of the 1970s. No, no! Really, that's my assignment--musicals of the 1970s. So I just rehashed everything I knew, ignored Grease and Annie, as I usually do, engaged in a little Lloyd-Webber bashing and tada! Mission accomplished. (Dear Andrew Lloyd-Webber. I think your musicals from the 70s, JC Superstar and Evita were probably your best. But now, you pretty much suck. And I loved Phantom when I was younger. But if it runs for another 20 years, I will have to form an army of theatre-ninjas and burn the theatre down, because that's just selfish, that is. If you don't write a better show, I will publish unflattering pictures of you. And there's more where that came from! Love, Nicki PS: Sunset Boulevard was cool too-even if it only had two songs in it.)

I am in a much better mood today, probably due to the sun! yay! the sun, even though I have a weird little sore throat and a weird little headache, but I Refuse to Get Sick. And, I second the views of Sam "Guinea Pig Slinger" Fromm--people who don't update their blogs also suck. Since I don't talk to most of you-all on a regular, basis, that's where I get my news from, so take five minutes and write, damnit.

I would also like to draw everyone's attention to the fact that the new version of Sweeney Todd comes out in three days, so soon I will be able to listen to almost two hours of Michael Cerveris goodness without having to dial around on my iPod. Yayyy! Very excited. Haven't eaten in a week so I can save up enough money to go buy it the DAY IT COMES OUT. Hopefully they will have it here as well as in the States...if not, don't worry, you will all know about it, I am sure. But who is this Michael Cerveris, you ask? Well, never fear, I will find a picture of him for you...let's see, I'll just google "michael...cerveris" and...holy crap, who the heck is that? And why did he come up with I was looking for Michael? Damnit...

okay, well, that's not a very good picture...actually, teehee, it's a VERY good picture, but, ah, this blog is supposed to be rated PG13...

The caption assures me Michael's in there somewhere...but...can't see him. Titanic poses a huge challenge, ladies and gentlemen: the only show I seriously considered walking out of is also one of the few shows with Mr. Cerveris on it. Do I somehow overcome my loathing of the show with my love for Michael? The jury is still out...

Stephen Sondheim! What the hell are you doing here?! Great, now there's going to be a cage battle on my blog...

All right, all right, I'm done...crazy what a little goolging can lead you to. Actually, MC is older than he looks...I honestly don't know that much about him, except that he's a DAMNFINE actor and a DAMNFINE singer. Honestly. Totally professional respect for another theatre person. Totally professional. Totally.


Chris said...

Ahh fighting theatre people. Who wins the cage match?? Sondheim or Cerverse?

Laura said...

Sondheim! Duh!
Remember when I was in London and there was a really hot picture of Eddie Izzard on the cover of that magazine, what's it called Theatregoer? Yeah, That was hot.