Saturday, December 31, 2005

Lazing on a Saturday afternoon

I went down to Milwaukee for a couple days to visit Point that we're all graduated, there's really no reason to meet in Point. So we rented a hotel room and hung out for a couple days. Went shopping, saw a couple movies. But mostly it was wonderful to see everyone again--soon they'll all be off to their worldly destinations as well, and it can only get harder to get everyone together. Such is life, I guess. I was writing in my journal last night that I'm sad...not depressed, just the auld feeling of wishing the happy together times were still here (again). I don't begrudge anyone their happy off to the far corners of the world (speaking as someone who's thouroughly enjoying London, that would be pretty selfish!) but I had so much fun at school when we were all together and making theatre that I wish we'll get a chance to do it together again someday. Someday. :)

So, I'm leaving again in a couple days. This time almost feels harder because who knows when I'll be coming home? I've been enjoying the hell out of Green Bay--especially the shopping! but last night the fam went out for fish at Marique's and I ate a huge pile of perch. Now if only we could manage to have brats before I left... :) At least I got my cheese curd fix. There's not much left to do, except finish watching "Gone With the Wind." I'm going up to the casino tonight, since they're having free music, and then sleeping in tomorrow. Then Monday, then Tuesday, London. London...a one way ticket. Hmm. Hmm...

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