Wednesday, August 30, 2006

welcome back to town (o, I should lie down)

I know everyone wants to see pretty pictures of the Highlands, but can I just say first that having to come home to no less than three rejection-letters for job is the most depressing thing in the world?! Especially when they all say the same thing: "We had an extremely high level of quality applicants..." read: "But you're not highly qualified enough! You suck! Go back to temping, you loser!" What a way to end my vacation. I'd go buy some ice-cream to make me feel better, but...I can't afford it. Mom and Dad should just about be getting on a plane now. I wish I was going with them. This *sucks.*

Pictures and upbeatness tomorrow, promise.


Chris said...

Hey dude I understand how you feel, but I know that you will get a gig it just always seems to take forever. Hang in there man.

Batmanda said...

I hate rejection letters, especially the ones that end with, "We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors." No you don't! You just rejected me! I wish they would just send a large photocopy of an upraised middle finger - it would be a lot more up-front and get the same point across. I'm sorry you had to face three, but don't worry - everyone gets 'em. Hang in there.