Tuesday, June 27, 2006

more bad poetry

Rehearsal today went really well. We spent all afternoon in Auschwitz debating theological ideas, which was very intense. Even without costumes or lights or even being off book, the power of the play is starting to come through. And the rehearsal was uneventful, which means I'm going to take advantage of this lull to inflict some more bad poetry on you. This is something I scribbled in my journal last night, but it really should be read aloud. Flee now if you like.

"No more actors.
4 wheeled bicycle.
Belly rub.
Sweet Warm Rain.
Clutching at bendy straws.
Veiled black cloche hat.
Eyes cheerfully dampened.
A Wide Variety of colours.
Tobacco and wool.
Partly disappointed.

1 comment:

Laura said...

This guy's name is bar-codes isn't that sick? He wants us all to have our credit card numbers tattooed in to our skin like the Mark of the Beast. And he even randomly capitializes the pronoun I to make us associate him with humanity, but I bet he's a computer.