Friday, October 13, 2006

Lunch Hour Observations

It would take an a LOT to get me to take a baby down into the Tube (like, say, the Blitz) but I see people doing it ALL THE TIME. And not cute little walker strollers either, but those SUV-sized ones that I have such an especial hatred for. Come on, people, admit you're not taking Baby to Oxford Street to buy it new baby Benettons, you just want something to put all your shopping in. Get a babysitter and carry your damn bags like the rest of us. The Tube is not wheel-chair friendly, so I don't know how these mothers can justify shunting Baby down wet stairs and slippery escalators when I've seen more than one suitcase break free and go cartwheeling head over, er, wheel as commuters scatter. It's not that I really hate children, I just hate how they seem to take up so much room when they're at their smallest, and if you dare suggest to the mums that they are, infact, in your way and you're going to be late coming back from your lunch, they will shoot you the dirtiest look possible and insinuate heavily that THEIR lives, with their nappies and endless discussion of Teletubbies are infinitely more fufilling than your days of office dronery and your nights of debauchery and designer shoes, you less-than-a-woman.

Where was I? Oh, right--

On a happier note, just when you thought Kit-Kats, proof in candy form that God loves us and wants us to be happy, could not get any beter, they've come out with a dark chocolate version. Oh bliss. Oh joy. Take that, three year old in a stroller. I can have Kit-Kats ANYTIME I WANT! HA-HA!


Chris said...

I hear you on the baby thing. Its intersting to note that they don't appear on the CTA that often and if one can find babies on the L they are usually sans stroller. I think it may be to part where you have to lug the damn stroller up the stairs first to get it on to the train that stops them. I will continue to watch and see if this is true.

Batmanda said...

Tell me more 'bout your theatre company...

Laura said...

Last year a mother of a one year old told me that until you have kids you don't realize how kid un-friendly the world is. I know she was talking about needing to bring a baby to work with her and to town hall meetings to get information on issues that were important to her. Everyone looks at you dirtily like you either need to be home with your child or get a baby sitter. I do think kids get harassed a lot for acting like kids.
However I completely agree with you on the stroller thing, and I never once saw Tai (the above mentioned mother) with a stroller.