Thursday, September 13, 2007

working hard

I'm staying at Lennie's again this week. She talked me into buying a one-week pass to her local gym, so we've been going there every morning and working out. I've learned I can do 2.13 miles in 30 minutes on an elliptical machine--take that evil mile-running gym class--and I'm going to buy some running shoes and take up jogging when I get back to GB. Because I can afford running shoes. I can't afford a gym membership.

I'm also really proud that I can still do shoulder stands. Last year when I was in London (london!) and I took the yoga class of doom, my yogi shocked me by grabbing my legs and throwing them up in the air. It's kind of awkward, but it feels soooo good on your shoulders. So today, after thirty minutes on the elliptical and another ten on the rowing machine (for the "bingo wings") I stretched out by doing a shoulder stand. I can't touch the floor behind my head any more, but it's close...

I spend the rest of my time divided between writing applications, making appointments and reading my new book, "Too Much of a Lady" which is a novel about Emma Hamilton. Oh, how I wanted this book to be good, but it sooooo....bad.... The writing is terrible. There's no suspense or drama, just boring storytelling. Even the "voice" of Emma Hamilton doesn't match the letters that are so often quoted. And no author worth their salt should have to put " 'is majesty's army, yer 'onour!" when there's other ways of delinating accents. (see: Jane Austen, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell) Oh well--at least it's a quick read.

Also, from the irony department: "Sondheim" is in the Penguin rhyming dictionary. teehee


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hooray, running shoes! Let me know what kind you get. My first experience getting running shoes for real (which was last year) was kind of like going into a wand shop. "The shoes choose you."

I am not always this geeky, I swear.

Anyway -- hey -- I totally haven't talked to you in forever, so you might not have heard about our swanky free event tomorrow night! If you haven't heard, my can check out the info either at or at - bottom line: free fun, 1802 W. Berenice (just south of Irving Park/Lincoln), 8:00 pm, participation encouraged but not required. Again: FREE.

Laura said...

So jealous you can do shoulder stands. The other position, where your legs touch the floor behind your head is called the plough. It's the one I (ahem) spoke of while watching the movie Short Bus.
I can only do it if I'm under my table.

Miss Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell...

(don't tell this bil guy that I'm the one who reads his blog regularly now)

Unknown said...

It makes me miss Tai Chi...but at least I'm walking a half hour twice a day!